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Order quality form fresh Duck Eggs for Eating or Hatching. All Orders are Shipped via USPS Prioty Mail Free of cost.


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Order quality from fresh Duck Eggs for Eating or Hatching. All Orders are Shipped via USPS Prioty Mail free of cost.

Eggs For Hatching

We Also Sell Hatching Duck Eggs with Hatch Guarantee! Many Individuals and Schools order from us.

Order Quality Farm Fresh Duck Eggs For Eating Or Hatching.

At, Fresh duck eggs are available years around. Many people like them for baking and pastries. Many of those allergic to chicken eggs can aften use duck eggs instead.

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Proudly serving our loyal customers for more than 2 decades

Eating Eggs

Duck eggs have a high alkaline content and are noted as an anti-cancer food. 

Hatching Eggs

We take pride in working with the best duck farmers in the industry to ensure your satisfaction. Incubation of duck eggs is not all that difficult and can be very rewarding, but it is important that you use an accurate egg incubator and follow the manufacturer's instructions.

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At, Fresh duck eggs are available year round. Many people like them for baking and pastries. Many of those allergic to chicken eggs can often use duck eggs instead. Of course, if you have severe egg allergies, we suggest you consult your physician before using duck eggs.

We ship high quality, farm fresh duck eggs anywhere in the Continental US via Priority Post Mail (Yes, we actually ship eggs safely all the time!). Our specially designed packaging reduces breakage and we guarantee that you’ll receive your eggs in good shape. All eggs are medium size.

We take pride in our products and are one of the best online sources, providing fertile duck eggs and duck eggs for eating all year-round.

We offer Discounts on bulk purchases while the minimum-order is 20 eggs for Eating and 10 eggs for Hatching.

The cost for 20 eating eggs is $79 (all inclusive – no extra shipping fees). Allow about 5 – 7 days for shipping to the east coast and less in the western states. Don’t worry, the eggs are picked and shipped fresh from the nest. We rarely have trouble with duck eggs spoiling en-route. Fresh duck eggs keep for about 2 weeks if kept cool and for about 6 weeks once refrigerated. Fertile hatching eggs are fine for about 10 days and of course should be placed in an incubator as soon as possible once received.

We ship high quality, farm fresh duck eggs anywhere in the Continental US via Priority Post Mail (Yes, we actually ship eggs safely all the time!)

Why Choose Us

Just Select your Required Quantity of Eating or Hatching Eggs in the Drop Down Box and Proceed to Payment

Quantity Discounts

Unlike chicken eggs, duck eggs have a high alkaline content and are noted as an anti-cancer food. Duck eggs have the same taste as chicken eggs but have...

Duck eggs vs Chicken eggs

Many Schools Order Fertile (Hatching) Duck Eggs from us for their Science Projects Year after Year.

Science Projects

We offer Discounts on bulk purchases. Minimum-order is 20 eggs for Eating and 10 eggs for Hatching Purpose.

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Many schools and clubs order fertile duck eggs to teach children how ducks hatch and grow. We sell these packages with a pamphlet on how to incubate and hatch those eggs. Great fun and a great education for school kids. Pekin ducks are the most common type of duck and are found all over North America. When you think of cute little yellow duck chicks, that’s what a Pekin looks like. They’re very hardy and the easiest to hatch

You can Also Buy Fertile Egg Packs For Hatching
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